Submit Videos of Your 'Day in the Life' as a Young Appalachian
We're currently seeking teens and young people in Appalachia to submit video clips through WeTransfer of their typical days – hanging with friends, going to school, playing video games, etc. Submissions may be selected to be featured in an upcoming documentary and Gen Z-centric content we're currently producing.
Additional questions can be emailed to [email protected].
General Questions
What are we doing?
We are producing documentary and multimedia content focused on the real lives of Appalachian teens and young adults age 14-22. This work intends to candidly document the realities, intimate perspectives, joys, struggles and resilience of diverse teens and young adults throughout the Appalachian region.
The Appalachian region. See a full breakdown at
Why should I be involved?
The perspective and realities of young Appalachians is often left out of media portrayals of the region, and this project intends to fill that gap with your perspective and personal creativity.
What should I film?
As we stated above, we want candid, intimate insight into what life looks like and means to Appalachia’s young people. Show us what life looks like to you, both positive and negative, the challenges you face, joyful moments, as well as simple and mundane daily life activities. This can include your everyday routine or something meaningful that’s happening, a creative depiction of your experiences and identity, just being alone or hanging out with your friends, life at church, sports, dances, parties, or a day-in-life documentation, and/or a video portrait of your environment, surroundings, your room, possessions or clothing that say something about you, etc.
Just please fill out the applicable release forms (See “Permissions” section below).
How long should my clips be?
There is no limit on length of submissions: You can film small moments from throughout the day, or more extensive filming of activities or day(s) in your life. What’s most important is that submissions are true to your experience as a young person in Appalachia.
Can I submit anonymously?
Our number one priority is the safety of our contributors and making sure you are comfortable. Please film your content in a way that makes you the most comfortable. For example, you could film your surroundings without including your face or any identifying content in the footage, and you could include a voiceover to describe your experience or decide to exclude your voice. Please email us at [email protected] to further discuss any questions/concerns you have.
Even if you wish to remain anonymous, when you or your guardian submit the footage, we will require you to include an email address. That way if your footage is selected to be included in the project, we have a way to get in touch to let you know.
We will also require you and your video participants to sign release forms. The information you submit to us on release forms will remain confidential.
Questions about submissions
How do I submit my video(s)?
Upload your video(s) to this WeTransfer page alongside the necessary location release form, adult appearance release form, and minor appearance release form (See "Permissions" below for more details).
Are there any guidelines for what I can or cannot submit?
We ask that you film your world authentically, from an honest perspective and however you wish to express yourself, but please do not film violent, graphic, unlawful, dangerous or hateful content. If you have any questions about something you’d like to film and need additional guidance, please contact our production staff at [email protected].
Should I edit my footage?
No. Please submit the raw footage – we want your content exactly as you filmed it. Please do not edit it, compress it, add music, use filters, or any other special effects.
Can I film on my smartphone?
Yes, please do! But please hold your phone horizontally (landscape mode) for use in this documentary project.
Should I upload multiple clips or combine into one single file?
You can do either, but if you combine the clips into one file please do not edit or compress them.
What video formats can I submit?
We can accept the following file formats: 3GP, .AVI, .DV, .M2TS, .M2V, .M4V, .MKV, .MOV, .MP4, .MPEG, .MPG, .MTS, .MXF, .OGV, .WEBM and .WMV. We prefer that you don’t convert your footage, however if you do, use QuickTime 1080p H264 4Mbps. You should keep your original footage before formatting as well. If you have any questions, please contact our production staff at [email protected].
Are there any restrictions for filming during the coronavirus pandemic?
Please follow any government or community guidelines for social distancing, travel and face covering.
Questions about eligibility
How old do I need to be to submit a film?
We are seeking submissions from Appalachians ages 14-22. If you are under 18, please have a parent or guardian sign the minor release form.
Who can participate in this process?
We are seeking submissions that represent a multitude of perspectives and life experiences in Appalachia from young people aged 14-22. This includes racial and religious diversity, gender diversity, geographic diversity (that represents a range of rural, urban and suburban teen perspectives), economic diversity, as well as other personal, cultural or identity frames of reference that illuminate a variety of unique life circumstances.
Questions about getting permission
Do I need permission to record other people?
Yes, you do need permission to include other people in your video submission. Click here to access an electronic version of our Adult Appearance Release Form to have each person featured in your footage fill out on filming day.
A parent/legal guardian will also need to sign this form for those featured in your footage that are under the age of 18. Click here to access an electronic version of our Minor Appearance Release Form to have each minor featured in your footage fill out on filming day.
You generally only need to get permission from participants who are being interviewed or featured in a prominent way. You will not need permission from people passing by or who are in the background of a scene. We will contact you if further information or documentation is needed.
Do I need permission to shoot at locations?
You will need permission to film at any location that is not your own property or that is not in a public place.
If your content is included in a multimedia project, we may follow up through email for further documentation if needed. You may want to take a Location Release Form with you while filming in places that are not your own property.
Can I use music?
Please avoid the use of music in your submission, unless it is music you have composed or created. If you submit footage in which copyrighted music is used or is playing in the background, it is unlikely that we will be able to use it.
Questions about Rural Digital Youth Resiliency Project (RDYR)
How will my footage be used?
Video/Audio content that is selected by the RDYR production team will be used in various multimedia and documentary projects the team are currently working on, and may not be used right away. If your footage is selected, we will contact you and provide further information, including to determine how you may want to be credited and to provide additional details about the use of any submitted content. All contributors will be credited in any published work unless otherwise requested for anonymity. RDYR is committed to protecting the privacy, data security and digital agency of young people, and will protect all submitted content in a secure manner.
How will you determine what videos will be included?
As stated above, there are a variety of multimedia projects the RDYR team is currently working on, each having its own production schedule and publishing timeline. Depending on that timeline, the production team will review submitted footage and decide which content is best suited based on uniqueness, creativity, diversity or content, technical execution, and other editorial determinations according to the projects’ needs.
Who makes selection decisions?
RDYR has a small production team of Appalachian experts that have strong filmmaking and multimedia expertise as well as lived and research experience in what it means to be a teen in Appalachia. This team will review each submission and determine which footage is appropriate for RDYR’s current documentary and multimedia projects.
What happens if my video is selected for the project?
If your video is selected for further review, you will hear from the RDYR production team by email. You will then be asked to send the Appearance Release Forms you had signed by the people you filmed and/or their parents/legal guardians (see the “Permissions” section above). In some cases, you may also be asked to provide additional documentation.
You will be credited as a contributor to the documentary or multimedia projects.
Will I get paid if my video submission is included in a project?
RDYR is a nonprofit organization, and there is no financial compensation for participation, unless otherwise stated by the production team. Submitted footage is voluntary and contributors retain ownership of their content and may use it on other platforms however they wish. RDYR’s current multimedia projects may feature numerous clips from the submitted footage, ranging from a few seconds of content to longer form stories, depending on the project.
If your content is included in the project, you will be credited as a contributor and will hear from the production team by email.
Who owns my video if it is featured in a RDYR project?
You will retain ownership of your footage. You can use your footage for any other projects you wish to.
By agreeing to the Official Terms, you grant RDYR the right to include your video in its multimedia project or on websites relating to those projects and any related promotional or educational materials.
What is RDYR?
The Rural Digital Youth Resiliency Project is an independent nonprofit investigative reporting and research organization that advances public understanding of the unique challenges that America’s rural youth face online and offline, and that celebrates the creativity, resiliency, lived experiences and unique perspectives of this generation. Learn more on our about page.
How can I see the final product?
If your video is selected to be included in our projects, we will contact you directly. However, if you don’t hear from us, please subscribe to our newsletter where we will keep you updated and send the final products directly to your inbox!
Are there other ways I can get involved in the project?
We also welcome rural Gen Z to "submit their take" on cultural, political and trending topics to be featured in our monthly newsletter Generation Zeitgeist. Learn more here.